Sunday, July 29, 2012

Discovery Bottles!

I’ve wanted to make you guys discovery bottles for months, but kept putting it off because it seemed kind of overwhelming.  There are so many options and I wanted to make every kind!  I’ve since realized this can be a work in progress and find it fun to add to your collection as your interests grow.  It was funny Lyla because when I first set them out your instinct wasn’t to explore them but to stack them! You since realized thers everything imaginable in them from googly eyes to creepy crawlers.   The favorite bottle as of late is the magnet bottle.  Lyla you love running a magnet along the outside of the bottle 564563562561560559558557556555554553552551550549548547546545544543542541540and making the metal pieces (cut up pipe cleaners) move all about.  You’ll say “look at it mom!!” as it moves.  It’s like magic! I sort of just used what materials I could find at the dollar store and made ones based on your interests.  You love dinosaurs and helped me collect the rocks and dirt for their habitat.  You also helped me poor all the materials for the other habitats (like for your farm animals).  We did this around spring so we have one full of grass and bunnies which you also love.  Lottie you have enjoyed the one that looks like an ocean and one that mimics a hurricane!  We keep them on the book shelf in the living room and you  two both enjoy pulling them down for a little exploration from time to time.



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