Saturday, March 23, 2013

Hawaii Day Eight


This morning I decided that the best part about this vacation wasn’t the beauty that surrounded us. It wasn’t the amazing food or the lovely weather. It was the life we lived while we were there. The life of waking up when we wanted to, eating breakfast on the Lanai, enjoying the outdoors and exercise, then a nice simple lunch, followed by a nap and some evening outing. There’s something unsimple and amazing in the simplicity of eating basic foods, being entertained by nature, and being with each other and nothing else. It was a beautiful life and I hope to carry some of it over. This day we went into Halweia and had Matsumodos!! It was so yummy and you two LOVED your giant cups filled with Mango Lillikoi and Guave flavoring. I think this was Lyla’s most favorite treat. After that we went to “Zach’s Beach” (not sure of the real name). The shore was made of little tiny sea shells. There was no dirt like sand and it was amazing! It made for a new sensory experience that we loved! We had fun digging holes with Uncle Zach and Olya. It showered on us while we were there and left a double rainbow!! It made me thing that this must be the somewhere in “Somewhere Over the Rainbow”. Lyla loves rainbows and couldn’t get enough of them.

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